Thursday, February 14, 2008

I Want To Hold Onto Something That Wont Break Away or Fall Apart

Well I planned on doing a video post for my next post but I kept on putting it off and look where that got me! It is like a week later! Actually its over a week! And it happens to be the 14th of Feburary which is Valentines Day if you didnt know! There are some people out there who are "Holiday Challenged". I would like to give a breif history of this day.

In the Catholic Church there are multiple Saints with the name Valentine (I.E. Valentine of Terni) and until about 1969 there were 14 different Valentine's Days for the various martyrs. The 14th is linked to Valentine of Terni and Valentine of Rome. It is disputed by a lot of people who it is actually linked too. Others think that it is the time that Zeus and Hera were married.

So there you have it. You and your lovey cakes are celebrating a wedding of 2 people you dont even know and are celebrating the death of great people. How do you feel about that now?

Monday, February 4, 2008

The City Is At War

To start it off I would like to say "Go Giants!" way to beat them Gaytriots and make it so they couldnt hav a perfect season. Does this mean it couldnt happen? I dont know, I'm not much of a football expert but I do know that the Salisbury Lacrosse team went 3 perfect seasons before losing a game so you never know it could happen! Was anyone else disapointed with the commercials during the game? There were only a hand full of them that were noticable. The Life Water one with Shaq as a jockey was awesome. FedEx's uses of giant Pigeons was most excellent and E-Trades baby that was also an on line trader were great! Other than those ones there werent really many "funny" ones. Bad year boys. We'll get em next year.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Every Story Needs An Ending After All

Man this blogging stuff is really hard! I can never think of anything to write. I am pretty sure I am gonna do a lot better next week. I have topics in mind that I'll write about. Till then I bid you farewell.