Tuesday, January 22, 2008

She Thinks I'm Much Too Thin...

Wecome one and all to mah awesome blog! I've decided to finally jump on this band wagon and make one of these things. It also give me one more thing to do on the internet. You can never be on the internet too much!

You people might be thinking "Why is Sterling's first blog entry entitled She Thinks I'm Much Too Thin...?" Well I will answer that question for you since I am such an awesome guy! That sentence happens to be the first line to a song by my favorite bands album. The song song is Holiday From Real by Jack's Mannequin off the, oh so awesome, album Everything In Transit! I suggest that everyone goes and listens to that album (listen to the clean one as there is a minor bit of language). I'm just gonna sum everything about me right now. I am a Junior in High School and I am lovin every minute of it. Ever though being a teenager can suck big time, and all that High School drama can be a downer, life is great! I play Lacrosse and hope to play on the Varsity team this year (Come February I shall know.) and I love to Airsoft (I'll make a post about Airsoft so you can see my TRUE inner nerd) and music is a huge part of my life. My iPod is another limb.

Time to wrap this bad boy up! Pull up an arm chair and lets make a toast to future blog posts!


Bryce said...

Way to go Ster. It is not only the first line of the song, but the first of the album!

Sterling said...

yeah I'm quite possibly cool like that

The Shark said...

I'm definitely going to check out that album tomorrow while I'm at work. Keep posting!

Sterling said...

One more for the cause of Jack's Mannequin!