Monday, January 28, 2008

Looking For A Chance To Be Something More Than Just Metal

If you havent noticed it so far then I think its time to tell you. Every title has either been lyrics from a song of a title of a song. My blog name comes from a lyric too! That brings me to the topic of my post today. Music. It has always been in my life. I got it from my Dad. He never really sat down and said to me "Now son, Music is important and is here for a reason." I could just tell from his attitude that music is special and it is here for a reason. This leads me to my tops played in iTunes! This has changed I just havent taken a screen shot of the most recent one.


Early Summer said...

Music ROCKS. I like your top most played. Looks like my top most played.

The Shark said...

You top most played looks nothing like mine. I'll share details later. But I do like your taste in music.

Sterling said...

Trevor yours looks like mine because I gave you 4 of those bands and you gave me 2.